Author: Diana Wieden-Bischof
Mission Green: Your visions for the smart (re)use of resources in tourism
The best 7 ideas were awarded prizes! Sustainability in tourism has reached a new dimension – with the “Mission Green” ideas competition organized by the Pongau Regional Association and LAG Lebens.Wert Pongau-Tennengau! The focus was on one central question: How can digital technologies help to use resources in tourist regions more efficiently and avoid waste?…
All aboard! Shaping the Future of Lake Cruising on the Ossiacher See (10.11.23 – 19.02.24)
The Winning Ideas: Our ships have a proud tradition in Carinthia, Austria and have made innovative waves in history. Now, we are setting sail into uncharted waters. We are on a new course, driven by trends such as sustainability, energy efficiency, service innovation, changing leisure habits, digitization, and much more. This is YOUR opportunity to…
Rebooting Hope: Digital Solutions for Environmental and Social Recovery (01.09. – 18.11.2023)
Have you ever thought about regenerative communities? We really mean REGENERATIVE* and not just ‘harming the environment less’. Is there a way digital tools can help both the environment and communities to thrive? We all know that digital tools are very powerful. But most of the time, we don’t think about the fact that ICTs…