Author: srfg_webadmin
Wanted: Sustainable last mile delivery heroes
Deutsch | Italiano Thank you very much for all your creative submissions! The idea campaign has ended. The winning ideas: 🥇 1st Place: xmaddu – Idea 46 – „PaketPlus: The human pick-up station“ 🥈 2nd Place: Chiara Christina Hollaus – Idea 38 – „GreenHub 360“ 🥉 3rd Place: Stefan Fischer– Idea 11 – “Community monopoly for the last mile: Sustainable and local logistics through community-based delivery…
Workshop Test
Award: Energy sharing with benefits
Sharing energy smartly The best ideas about bidirectional charging of e-vehicles E-vehicles require a lot of energy, but can also make a valuable contribution to balancing the electricity grid. We invited you to take part in the “Energy sharing with benefits” idea competition in recent months and MANY of you responded to the call. Numerous…
Energy sharing with benefits (15.11.2022 – 23.02.2023)
Congratulations to all the winners! The most interesting ideas were presented at the final event at MOONCITY Salzburg on 23 February 2023 and the winners were awarded prizes! Read more… Flexible and smart charging for the e-vehicles of the future The share of renewable energy is increasing, leading to fluctuations in electricity generation depending on…
Award: Study PLUS Future
During 12.10.2021 – 15.03.2022, an innovation competition was held on behalf of PLUS on Open Innnovation Salzburg. Staff and students, as well as external people, submitted suggestions on what studying at PLUS can and should look like in the future. More than 70 ideas were submitted and the six with the most points in the…
Online event: 6th Open Innovation Talk on 29 March 2022
We are pleased and invite you, after a longer break, to the 6th OI-Talk on 29 March 2022 from 16:00 – 17:30. In addition to a keynote speech on the results of the user survey 2021 by Eva Hollauf (Salzburg Research), the top 10 idea providers of the competition “Healthy Companies – Healthy Regions” will…