Category: Unkategorisiert
Wanted: Sustainable last mile delivery heroes
Deutsch | Italiano Thank you very much for all your creative submissions! The idea campaign has ended. The winning ideas: 🥇 1st Place: xmaddu – Idea 46 – „PaketPlus: The human pick-up station“ 🥈 2nd Place: Chiara Christina Hollaus – Idea 38 – „GreenHub 360“ 🥉 3rd Place: Stefan Fischer– Idea 11 – “Community monopoly for the last mile: Sustainable and local logistics through community-based delivery…
Idea Crowdsourcing als EDIH Service – ‘Frag doch mal die Crowd’ & Business Speednetworking am 26. Juni 2024
EDIH-TALK MIT BUSINESS SPEEDNETWORKING (IN ENGLISCHER PRACHE): Als Service für alle EDIHs in Europa und alle Crowdsourcing-Interessierten laden wir euch ein zu unserer Online-Informationsveranstaltung: Idea Crowdsourcing as EDIH Service – ‘Ask the crowd, their wisdom’s endowed!’ &Business Speednetworking Crowdsourcing ist eine große Chance für jedes Unternehmen in jedem Sektor. Die Einbindung der Öffentlichkeit durch Crowdsourcing…
Mission Green: Your visions for the smart (re)use of resources in tourism (4.4. – 7.7.24)
Thank you for your diverse and great idea submissions –The winning ideas were awarded on September 26, 2024 in Bischofshofen. The winning ideas: Have you ever thought about how many tons of food have to be thrown away in tourist regions? How many mountains of laundry have to be washed or sorted out every day?…
All aboard! Shaping the Future of Lake Cruising on the Ossiacher See (10.11.23 – 19.02.24)
The Winning Ideas: Our ships have a proud tradition in Carinthia, Austria and have made innovative waves in history. Now, we are setting sail into uncharted waters. We are on a new course, driven by trends such as sustainability, energy efficiency, service innovation, changing leisure habits, digitization, and much more. This is YOUR opportunity to…
Rebooting Hope: Digital Solutions for Environmental and Social Recovery (01.09. – 18.11.2023)
Have you ever thought about regenerative communities? We really mean REGENERATIVE* and not just ‘harming the environment less’. Is there a way digital tools can help both the environment and communities to thrive? We all know that digital tools are very powerful. But most of the time, we don’t think about the fact that ICTs…